Is personal finance just money?

Personal finance is not just money, personal finance

Personal finance isn’t just about money

Nowadays, many people often use the phrase “personal finance” when talking about money, but only a few know its true meaning. It is more global than just money coming in the form of wages. Personal finance also includes other sources of income, for example, inheritance, business income, winnings, interest on a bank deposit, and others. In other words, these are the incomes that are spent or not spent by you, stored or invested to achieve some personal goals, financial independence or wealth. All your money becomes personal finance only if it generates income.

How to learn how to manage personal finances

How can this be achieved if in our country the majority of people receive their income exclusively in the form of wages? First, you need to increase the level of financial literacy. To do this, you do not need to enter universities and study special programs there. Personal self-education is enough. Information on the Internet, special literature, working courses and trainings, as well as personal experience of acquaintances will help you improve your personal financial literacy. Then you need to determine your goals and life priorities. It directly depends on them what strategy personal finances will be formed, accounted for and redistributed. Short-term and long-term planning

To correctly set the main long-term goal, it is necessary to break it down into several intermediate short-term goals. The implementation of each such small goal will gradually move towards the realization of the main financial goal. Your income, expenses and goals, combined with a certain financial literacy, will help you draw up your own financial plan. Following it, it will be easier to achieve the task. It is desirable that your income is stable and comes from several sources.

This will save your personal finances from risks and help in the event of any failure to save part of the funds and redirect them in a more profitable direction. It’s great if your income has a passive source along with an active source. The passive part of the income will provide stability to your personal finances. Expenses are a component that needs to be monitored very carefully. Personal, home accounting will help to clearly and competently keep constant records and control of receipts of funds and for any of their expenses. If expenses exceed income, then there can be no question of any personal finances.

How to save personal finances

So, you have improved financial literacy, developed and implemented your financial plan and made a profit. It’s time to take care of saving your personal finances. Moreover, in our unstable time, when there is constant inflation and savings are significantly depreciating, it is important not just to preserve finances, but to preserve their purchasing power. To do this, money should not just lie at home. They must be on deposit in a bank or invested in some projects. Only then will money make money. Thus, there will be an increase and accumulation of personal capital, which must be protected. One of the types of financial protection is its insurance.

If your assets are insured, then in the event of a financial crisis, they will be restored quickly. Also, diversification will be a good way to protect your personal finances from possible risks. In this case, you will be able to redirect capital and minimize risks.

It is impossible to ensure the formation of personal finances without personal financial planning, solely on the account of income and expenses. Any component is important: accounting, distribution, constant growth or protection. Only this approach will help you achieve your goal and ensure financial freedom in the future.




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