Are family finances a source of contention?

Or how to avoid disputes over family finances

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Is money the main cause of family strife?

According to psychologists, the causes of family conflicts are most often money. This is due to their constant lack in the family, and because the spouses devote too much of their time to work, earning money and devoting little time to each other and children. Money problems are increasingly becoming the cause of quarrels and mutual claims in the family. At the same time, it would be a mistake to assume that the family rests only on money. Love, trust and mutual respect have been and remain the basis of the family. A family is also a common property, finances, goals and plans, and not just a few people living together. In order for family money scandals to be as little as possible the cause of quarrels and misunderstandings, and even divorce between spouses, you need to learn how to properly manage family finances.

How to avoid strife over money?

Everyday family life also implies daily spending of some money on the needs of the family. Of course, the amount of such expenses depends on the size of the family income. But in any case, regardless of whether the family lives only on a salary, or it has other sources of income, the ability to competently manage family finances will help save spouses from monetary conflicts. When entering into marriage in the West, the marriage contract became widespread.

In this document, the intending spouses stipulate all their property and other rights and obligations during the marriage or upon its dissolution. This practice avoids a lot of conflict disputes and issues. Unfortunately, the practice of concluding such marriage contracts between spouses with average incomes has not yet become widespread. Very often, the property and money of each at marriage become common, family. Therefore, the planning of family income and expenses should be carried out by both spouses.

How to properly manage seed finances?

There is no single universal system of family finances due to the fact that all families are very different, as well as the size of their income and their sources. But some of the main points of proper family budget management can be adopted by any family. To begin with, of course, the spouses should jointly determine all family income for a certain period, for example, a month. Then write down all those expenses that are mandatory – this is payment for an apartment and utilities, food costs, car maintenance, payment for other mandatory monthly services.

From the remaining amount, it would be good to set aside some percentage of money for unforeseen expenses or simply as a cumulative part. And only after that paint personal expenses for each family member. Of course, it is very difficult to strictly adhere to the plan of family finances, because in addition to the necessary money spending, people are very often prone to making purely impulsive, often completely unnecessary purchases. This is especially the case in large supermarkets, where competent advertising at every step offers to buy goods on the most favorable terms. In general, it is best to go shopping in such places, having only the necessary amount for the things you need.

So you will buy everything your family needs in accordance with your list, and there will simply be no money for an impulse purchase. On the way home for money, you will have time to think carefully about how important this thing is to you, and whether you can do without it. This approach to family finances will not allow expenses to exceed your income, gradually help to improve the financial life of your family, and eventually accumulate family financial capital.




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